Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Takde budget? Really? Seriously?

This is a post which I must's about Airiel's checkup and matters incidental to that check-up.

When me and Aries brought Airiel for a checkup and the Kelana Jaya Klinik Kesihatan (yes, it is a government clinic), I was alarmed to find out that when we reached the place that the air-conditioning was not working..

I did not say a word and did not complain. Picture this in your head (30 babies screaming and crying because it is hot and stuffy).

We waited for 2 hours to see the doctor and all that (that was fine, I am used to waiting) and as I was leaving (Aries had ran to the car with Airiel as it was super hot ok?), I asked the nurse 'akak, kesian saya tgk akak, bila nak baik air-con ni?' . Her answer caught me off -guard "Ntahla dik, kami ni macam nak mati, tapi boss kata takde bajet nak baik, tahun depan kot."

You know you hear stories saying that the government takde bajet for this and that and is running out of funds la bla bla bla...Political bull I would say..

And then this happens and I realise that something is wrong somewhere.

There has to be something wrong for a government clinic to be out of funds to maintain its own facilities, would you agree?

Did you know that the nurses wear really thick outfits and some of them were pregnant as well? How to do such a job sampai tahun depan dalam keadaan begitu?

I mean, these are basic needs. The public have never expected a government hospital or clinic to have the most comfortable of facilities like its private counterparts, but this is basic, and I stress upon the word 'basic'. 

And then the Government has the cheek to even have the intention to relocate the Parliament?

And then 800 million for a palace?

And God knows what else?

And cut the subsidies? for what?

I can't help but read all this with disgust!!

Some might say this post is about politics, but it is NOT! It is about every Malaysian citizen's right to be afforded basic needs and facilities, and we are not getting even that!

I am appalled.


  1. i couldnt agree more. i think the govt is ran by monkeys. and dun we all wonder where are all the money? cite bagai nk rak budget sana sini tp duit takde.

  2. Tulah Farah..aku dah muak beb, I can tolerate a certain amount of nonsense because politicians are all famous for blowing hot air..if you know what I mean, tapi seriously there is a limit! Ini melampau suda!!

  3. did u see those pics in my blog. lagi kesian

  4. Dana, I did..rasa mcm kita nih kena tipu plak..sigh
