Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Online shopping knowhow

Many of my readers have e-mailed me asking me how I keep track of all the blogshops I visit and how I keep track of my purchases as well. I use google reader as a very handy tool eheh...

Here is my online shopping knowhow guideline (cewwah!):-

A. You must first follow the blogshop. Only then will it show up in your google reader. To follow a blogshop (or any blog for that matter), this is the way:-

1. Make sure you have a gmail account (if you don't, create one);

2. Go to the desired blogshop. For this purpose I will use my blog as a sample.

3. You will see on the top right hand corner of the blog, like shown below, and click on the sign in tab;

4. Enter you gmail account details and sign in, you will then be taken back to the desired blogshop (if they don't take you back to the desired blogshop), type back the address. On the left hand corner, you see the 'follow' tab. Click on it.

5.This will come out, and you can opt to follow the blog anonymously or publicly, once you've made your choice, click follow.

6. You're all done! The screen below will come out..hehe

Alternatively, if the blog has the followers app, like this

just click on the follow tab, the same screen as above will appear and do the same as well. Voila! you're done!!

To keep track of all your online shopping websites

1. Go to the standard google website i.e. www.google.com.my;

2. If you haven't already signed in, do so like below

3. Once you've signed in, go to the top left hand corner, click on the reader tab, just like below.

4. This is how google reader will look like, and all the blogshops you follow will appear here, when the blogshops are updated, it will be shown in the 'New Items'. If you like something, put a star on it and it will appear on you 'starred items'. Easy peasy kan! Good luck!

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