Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Korean songs and their beautiful lyrics

You're Leaving Me

It can come to us
I didn't know
That separation could come
Maybe my love wasn't enough
Maybe it was lacking
I'm sorry for everything
But telling me to live as someone who doesn't know you
Telling me to go meet other people
The reality of your words
Has not sunk into me yet
You're leaving me...
How can you leave me?
Don't do this
Look at my sadness
What do you want me to do with this regret?
I want to turn back time
Don't leave me
I miss you so much that my heart will explode
I'm left alone like this
Buy you are coldly frozen up
Why aren't those words sinking in?
You're leaving me..
How can you leave me?
I could have given you everything by now
I was going to make you happy and carefree
My heart hurts
I miss you so much
Maybe if I wait like this, you'll return...
I didn't know I would be alone again
I stupidly thought you would be the last one in my life
Don't do this please...I really love you
I was going to make you happy and carefree
I want to turn back time
Don't leave me..
I miss you so much that my heart will explode

This is the lyrics to this Korean song sung by Kim Bum Soo titled 'You're leaving me'. Honestly I am fascinated by the lyrics and the beautiful vocals of this singer. His songs fascinate and move me at the same time.

The video clip from youtube is credited to its owner. Give it a listen and tell me what you think. Go K-POP!!!

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