Monday, July 19, 2010

Leonardo Dicaprio

Kebelakangan ni tak berapa ada mood nak update menda substantial...

Have not been so well, have not been in the right mind... the works..

This past weekend I got Stevie with its Neugen RR kit or no longer looks my original Stevie but I am happy anyways.

I managed to watch 2 movies, Eclipse and Inception, hence the title of this post..

I have managed to really watch Leonardo Dicaprio blossom from being the actor that was in Titanic to an actor who have managed to take on really tough, layered and complex roles.

Movies like Shutter Island and Inception have really made me a fan of him as opposed to let's say, team Edward or Jacob in so far as the Twilight series are concerned.

I don't know, I have nothing against the Twilight franchise...maybe I have passed the age of going gaga over love stories which have no basis in reality (yes, call me a pessimist) or hot 18 years olds (Jacob is hot though). I just favour good content and good material these days.

I have become a fan of Leonardo Dicaprio, I admit.

Go watch Shutter Island and Inception. They will make you think..

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