Monday, March 22, 2010

Kursus ..kursus

Hehe..tajuk post ni mcm ntah hape hape..

Inilah penangan kursus IL*KAP to me.

Assignment Aries bwk balik berduyun...HAhahaha..

Seriously lawak... and it reinforces my belief that I was right to turn down my job interview with the A*GC Chambers time tu..because tgk apa yg Aries lalui skrang..I know I would not have been able to stomach it..

(i) Politics;
(ii) Kes colleague buruk-burukkan kita sebab nak ampu bos;
(iii) Kes dpt bos emo yg hantar sms yg tak masuk dek akal;
(iv) Politics again..
(v) Gaji ciput nak m*m*us;
(vi) Bonus setahun feels like an insult..rasa mcm nak ckp..ko simpanjela RMx00 yg ko kononnya nak bg tuh..gila tak berbaloi dgn kerja byk mcm nak mati; and
(v) Politics.. (mestila kan)

Ntahla..bukanla nak mintak gaji tinggi melambung or bonus yg melampau banyak..tapi yg berbaloi dgn keje yg dibuat la kan.. this I think..memang is lacking in gov punya aspek. Yang tak tahan, akan blah.. and these are usually the ultra talented ones..who knows what they are worth..and how the gov. is not treating them the way they should.

The ones that stay and dapat naik atas cepat is siapa lagik...kalo bukan 'anak' org besar tu or 'related' to this big shot god knows who..

Hearing these stories yg berlaku..makes me nauseous...I know these double standards exist in the private sector as well, but I am thankful that I have always been judged by the work that I produce (bad or good) instead of who my father or mother or uncle or auntie or grandma of grandpa is..

Mcmmana dgn org mcm me and Aries yg bukan anak org 'besar' ni? Ntahlah..we fight to survive, but if we least we know that we deserve whatever rewards we reap. Itu yg penting..

Apsal merepek malam/pagi buta ni? Ntahla..rasa nak get this out of my system..all this crap annoys me.

Ok, the ramblings are over on this issue..for the time being..


  1. pahit tapi benar. telan jela...

  2. tulah kak lina, I read this morning that MACC issued a statement saying that low gaji and high living cost is not the reason people amik ra*suah.. Seriously? mcmmana diorg buat kajian ni pun ntah.. it defies logic to me..

  3. Yup. Bangangnya macc buat stmt mcm tu.. Boss sms itu ini irrespective kita cuti ke weekend ke, itu x tahan.

  4. Ntahla least when you become a boss, jgn jadi mcmtu..its just terrible..hilang respect..unless its really urgent shaja..bos bos aku tak macamtu setakat ni, unless urgent gile..alhamdulillah
