Monday, March 8, 2010

Bz bee

This month of March akan penuh dgn ke'bz'an yang teramat sgt.

This week alone, I have a 3 COA submissions to finish and finalise.

Witness statements to finalise for 2 trials in April.

Waduh..tak menang tangan nak buat semua.

March is also a month of blessings and miracles.

Atuk to Airiel has turned 55. Healthy, happy and as loving as ever, that is my father.

Airiel was born on 20.03.2009, and he is turning 1 soon.

Aries was also born on 30.03.1982.

March is also the first month since Airiel was conceived almost 2 years ago, where Aries will be quite near us. He will be in Bangi for 3 weeks for a slew of courses. Though I feel sorry for him hehe, I am thankful that he is within arms reach. Tapi, tak sure lah dia boleh blaik menjenguk kami. Maybe dia akan busy, so sekali sekala je. So near and yet so far away..sigh. But still thankful I am for he is not 500 km away.

Alhamdulillah..terima kasih Tuhan.



  1. wowww.. what a meaningful March! i am sure u will enjoy the times with ur loved ones! :)
