Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sleepless in Subang?

I am so so tired..

My routine biasala..pergi keje awal pagi..balik malam..terus layan airiel sampai dia tido..selalunya kul 11 or 12, takde langsung masa untuk diri sendiri.

Sometimes, amik shower pun kol 12 malam..makan pun time time tu gak

Inilah akibatnya..terlampau penat sampai takleh tido.

And these days Airiel has developed a habit of waking up at 3 a.m. wanting to play with me. Pukul 6 baru tido balik.

I survive purely by the courtesy of an excessive consumption of coffee.

Sigh.. you know, I am fine with being and doing all this by myself, but there are days when I wish, Aries the husband is here to share the burden. Wishful thinking jela buat masa ni.

That is why I abhor dramatic people who complain about the littlest things that their husbands do. HELLO, at least they are around. Berterima kasih skit pada Tuhan dan suami ye? pun intended, it's just me letting of steam.

I suppose only wives yg ada husband jarak jauh je tahu my frustrations ini.

I digress.


I have purchased 2 more lovely bracelets. Will blog about it tomorrow.


  1. hahaha... only shopping can cure a woman's stress kan iza. hopefully iza terus kuat lalui semua ni ye. take care sis!

  2. yup yup..betultu kak lina..cuma kengkadang bajet je tak cukup..rasa macm melampaula plak beli barang bulan ni..kopak kopak..sigh

  3. it's ok..ramai org yang husband dok jauh..mee too..just be strong..

  4. Thanks shafini...trying to be strong every day.. :-)
