Monday, October 4, 2010

Happiness is health

"Hargailah sihat sebelum tibanya sakit"

I know the meaning of those words so wisely said by our prophet Muhammad.

I am so happy and relieved that during the medical checkup with Airiel's paed this morning. He was given a clean bill of health. Lungs are clear. No more pneumonia. Hilang satu kerisauan. I can only pray that Airiel will not suffer anymore of these episodes.

I appreciate the health Airiel has much more, after seeing him so sick. 

I now have to face a health mishap of my own i.e. my fractured toes and sprained ankle.

From wearing my 4 inch heels which I so love and have not skipped a day in wearing for the last 10 years of my life, I have to wear slippers which I abhor. Benci sungguh.

From running around getting things done, I can now only limp around. Sigh, and so I realise that it is really great to be able to walk normally. And of course things get done so much slower with my current condition.

The worst part? I cannot take care of Airiel for fear of aggravating my injury. I cannot chase him around like I am always used to doing. This, more than anything else, saddens me greatly.

I appreciate the fact that I could walk normally much more, after realising how hard it is to limp around like this. Simple things like parking far away becomes a real issue because walking is a pain. I appreciate why the handicap deserves a parking right next to the door even more than I used to (my sister is a handicap as well).

Thank you Allah for teaching me humility and teaching me to be thankful. 

Sujudku hanya padaMu.

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