Thursday, September 2, 2010

Change takes courage

I would like to congratulate Aries for today.

He has obtained his PC and is back in court.

It was not an easy journey. There are bits and pieces of the harrowing experience he went through in this blog, but a majority of the story is played out behind the scenes, with only me watching.

I know for a fact that he loves his previous job. Passionate enough about it to wake up earlier than I do to be in Court by 8.15 in the freaking morning, passionate enough to just go on ahead with a trial despite takde IP, passionate enough to endure half a year of crap from his now ^&**(%$ and yes, passionate enough to cover for his so called 'friends' (whom I know very well - some of them are my unimates remember?) who always duduk ofis to ampu &*((^%$, while he slaves away in Court sampai petang, only to be given a bad rep sebab jarang masuk ofis.

I told him, 'people who do not conform to the mould like you and me do not belong in the Government service'. I told him when his *&((&&^^ issued out a circular disabling him from &^$#$##% (which was embarrassingly pasted on every single balai polis in ^^&&*R that it is high time to walk away.

I told him when his (**&^%%^ told the newbies in the office that he was 'evil' and 'do not learn anything from him' that there is not point in staying with a &**((%$# who can see no good from you no matter how hard you try because he already has a pre-conceived notion about you and made no effort to be professional.

The demeaning sms'es, phone calls...all meant to take away every bit of dignity and confidence you have in your abilities (I have been there before but not to this degree).

He tried to take it, but couldn't ... and he left. I thought it was also disgusting that defamatory letters was sent out by &^%** to unrelated government departments accusing Aries of things totally unrelated to his job at the time. I know for a fact that even my name was mentioned. I know for a fact that even the status of my marriage was mentioned in this letter. Other details of the letter, biarlah menjadi rahsia kami. I know that as a matter of law, this letter was prima facie defamatory of me and Aries.

I know for a fact that our phones were tapped and may even be still to this day, I do not know for sure, and thats perhaps why info on our marriage ended up in that letter. But me and him refused to change our phone lines, because we were adamant we had nothing to hide.

I also hated the fact that when he left, a former colleague of his and both a unimate of ours just could not find it in himself or herself to be happy for him as he was given a really good offer by a firm stating that 'gaji memang banyak tp kalau buat representasi, confirm kena tolakla' (tempeleng jepun mahu?).

I cannot believe that after he left, his &^%^** asked around to see whether he was going to work in &^%%^ or &&%%& and then said 'I will make sure that if he works &*((%$$$, he will get no cases'. MasyaALLAH, kejinya anda. Are you then saying that awak boleh tentukan masa depan seseorang itu? Are you saying that you have the power untuk menyekat rezeki yang Tuhan telah tentukan untuk seorang hambaNYA? Bukankah Tuhan yang memberi rezeki? Not you right? What exactly do you mean by that statement you made, fool? Beristighfarlah sebentar dan sedarlah diri sedikit.

I am glad that Aries has managed to get the courage to walk away from this nonsense and I would have to state that it is nonsensical beyond belief, I really do not know whether to laugh or cry after experiencing it with him.

And now he has a really good boss and a good working environment. The Hijrah was for the best.

To his &*(*%$$, with Aries gone you will know siapa yg buat kerja, siapa yg tak. At least Aries will no longer have to cover for &())^^ who has a million excuses for not going to court, tayar pancitla, tak sihatla, mcm mcm la, takut sebab takde IP la ... every freaking monday buat hal I tell you (pelempang Jepun kepada anda juga boleh?). Siapalah agaknya mangsa baru si fulan itu? Jeng Jeng Jeng. Not our problem anymore...hahah

I know Aries is the type to let things go and forgive and forget and may not be happy with this post as he has believe it or not, forgiven the culprits for all that was said and done, but I feel that this post must be written so that we can bury our skeletons and move on with our lives. This will be the last post on this issue, ever.

To Aries, this is for you:-

Courage is not limited to the battlefield
The real tests of courage are much quieter
They are the inner tests, like remaining faithful when nobody's looking
like enduring pain when the room is empty, and 
like standing alone when you're misunderstood

Charles Swindoll

Change takes courage and you made that change. I am proud of you.

Disclaimer - Please note that the above may or may not be figments of my overactive imagination and should not be taken seriously :-)

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