Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More on Airiel

Haha I know..tak abis abis tangkap gambo..but hey..I'm in confinement here..mcmla ada mende lain nak buat kan?

The daily routine..after I have:-

1. Taken out trash from upstairs;
2. Give Airiel a bath and give him milk;
3. Put Airiel to nap;
4. Sapu sampah kat balkoni;
5.Tidy my room;
6. Tidy my sis's room (if she comes back the night before);
7. Cuci bilik air atas; and
8.Have shower and breakfast.

I will surf all my fav online shopping websites and play with Airiel if he wakes up and not fall back asleep after feeds. So here goes:-

And for the grand finale, I bring you...


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is exactly why I did not want to undergo a c-sect. You see I do not heal well. A small cut would take at least 10 minutes to stop bleeding and at least 2 months to heal..

Imagine jela luka ceasar camne? So skrang ni I've developed an allergic reaction to the sewing material used for the cut and there is bloody discharge coming out of the wound..

Takla byk tapi..alah lecehlah..nak jaga airiel lagi..tahula jaga sengsorang nak jaga diri sendiri pun susah..and this happens..

Padahal dah make sure luka kering..siap guna hairdryer lagik nak keringkan luka..susahla..

All the ikan haruan,jeli gamat healing in this world can't help me..sigh..

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Darilah time pregnant and pegi checkup, to shopping alone, to eating alone sampaila sekarang time bwk airiel sendiri pergi checkup..soalan ataupun standard yang org tanya aku is:-




Kalau crite pasal bersalin pulak, semua akan tanya aku:-


Buat sakit hati aku je.. dah tahu takde lelaki yg temankan aku untuk checkup pregnancy ke, checkup airiel pun..maksudnya takde husband/suami/matyi temankan..sendiri pikirla wei..

Kalau husband aku takde time aku bersalin pun, whose bloody business is it..nak tanya aku..? Ada ke aku kacau korang? Nasib akula..tak payah nak bagi sympathetic look kat aku..aku hidup je..ok je..

Apa yg aku rasa is my business. Kalau katala you care and nak bagi support, tolong dtg jaga ke so I would have a chance to have a proper shower lagik bagus dari nak tanya soalan yg inappropriate mcm tu..

I happen to find it intrusive and offensive..

Kengkadang itula dia perangai org melayu..suka jaga and kengkadang MASUK KAIN ORG..



Its time like these I wish I was a full blown insomniac again..

Yesterday, I didn't even have time for a shower, had it at 2 something in the evening.. my arms and back are killing me..sebab Airiel is getting so heavy kan.

At night pulak kadang kadang Airiel nak main sampai pukul 2 pagi..

Nasib baikla dia comel..

Tak jemu tgk..

Cuma penat tak ingat punya la..

I've received the imported diapers I purchased nak try tgk..unfotunately for me, Airiel tak tahan dgn cloth diaper so tak pakai pun yg I order online aritu..

I dont know why but for some reason, Airiel dah tak suka rasa susu badan mama dia..skrang kenala campur formula sebab dia minum 120 ml every 2 hours, kilang susu mama tak dapat nak keep up with the demand..huhu

Dia sgt panjang..previous entry untuk checkup iza ckp 52 cm kan? bila check buku rupanya 57 cm skrang dia..ahah..berbaloi mama dia doa mintak dia tak rendah cam mama dia..

Anyways, am thinking of buying some baby clothes online..tgkla mcmmana..and toys as well untuk stimulate dia..

This is is Airiel's sleeping time so ada masala nak tulis post ni.. back is totally killing me..

And I am getting an e-mail from my client that totally pisses me off..I wish I could e-mail him back and say "JUMP OFF A BLOODY CLIFF, YOU MORON" . You think if you start an action today, esok bleh dpt result ke? SENGAL..Some people are just NOT CIVILIZED.

Takde masa nak layan..Yeah..'YOU HEARD ME"

Now buzz off

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Aksi tido Airiel

Haha.. more pics of baby Airiel..only this time of him during his naps! Again, quality might be compromised as it was taken by my handphone..

This was taken just before his bath

Taken after a bath

Asleep in my arms

Tido after di'bedung'


Monday, April 20, 2009

Angel with silver wings

Hey angel..

I hope you're doing ok up there...or in down in the ground..or wherever you are..

You might think I've forgotten..but I have not..

Happy birthday!

You would have turned 32 today if you were still breathing..

I am good ..well and incredibly happy with my life right now..

I hope you are too.

Maybe when the time is right, I'll come and visit you one day..and baca yassin for you as it has been a while..I might even bring my beloveds along.

Hope the light shines bright where it is darkest..


Airiel's 1st day out

Hari ni hari ke-30 since Airiel was born. So I brought him out for his first visit to klinik kesihatan kelana jaya.

Airiel's weight is now 4.5 kg and panjang 52 cm.

He was well behaved, diamje and spent most of the time sleeping..lainnye dengan perangai dia kat umah yg kuat meragam.

Anyway..tak dapat upload gambo sebab bz sgt sbb I pun kena check up jugak.

Alhamdulillah, mama and Airiel are both healthy and doing well.

Ingat nak melencong pergi makan, tapi dah ingat pesan nenda Airiel jgn pepandai sebab pantang tak habis lagik..

So sebenarnya mcm tak puas hati kenapa pantang makan tu strict sgt, tgk kenkawan lain yang makan ape saja, takde pulak sakit apa apa pun. Tapi nenda Airiel kata sekarang memangla tak rasa, bila dah berumur, startla sakit lutut, tak tahan sejuk, bdn byk angin and mcm mcm lagik..semuanya berpunca dari tak jaga pantang punya pasal la..

Sigh..baiklah..yours truly mcm kecut perut pulak ikut jelah..

Tapikan..seksa betul tak minum air sejuk year march baru boleh minum..aduhai..that includes anything cream. sayur sayur sejuk mcm timun (my fav), kobis, sayur berkacang (sbb angin), and buah mcm manggis (sejuk) and a whole slew of other fav foods.

Leceh..tapi seperti kata nabi - 'nikmatilah sihat sebelum sakit' means nikmat sihat ni bukan senang tuhan nak kenalah jaga..nanti dah tua, belum ada guarantee ada org nak jaga might as well pastikan diri sihat..

Sigh..there goes most of my fav foods..

'Patience is a virtue' - Ain't that the truth..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

List of things to do lepas pantang..

Com this 30th..bebaslah yours truly dari berpantang. To mark this historical moment, I've decided to make a wishlist for myself of things to do lepas pantang.

Afterpantang Wishlist

1. Get my hair done;

2. Have 'the alien' doughnut from big apple;

3. Wear the 3 pairs of shoes I bought online during my confinement;

4. Eat nasi ayam 'Pak Mal';

5. Eat out with Aries at one of our fave places; and

6. Have a shopping day with Aries.

Ohh and yours truly skrang dah bleh meniarap..yihaaa!

Medical checkup on Monday. I'll snap up some pics of Airiel then and upload em here. Semalam Airiel meragam takleh tido..cian Aries yg kebetulan balik awal jaga..sudahnya dia exhausted sgt and saya plak kena take over..skrang ni pun both tgh tido dgn nyenyaknya..huhu

Tapi ntah kenapa, walau tak tido malam pun..siang still tak ngantuk..mungkin kekuatan yang tuhan bagi kat si ibu untuk jaga anak agaknya..celikje mata ni

still have about 8 kilolagi to go back to my normal weight..ada sesiapa ada tips tak nak kurangkan berat badan lepas delivery? susahnye rasa nak turunkan lagi.

Ohhn by the way..does anybody else think that Matt from American Idol have an uncanny resemblance to Micheal Buble or is it just me?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Airiel pics

Here are some photos of my baby Airiel. Its a bit dark sebab amik pakai handphone:-

Airiel tgh tgk luar tingkap bilik bonda dia hehe..

Dia tak suka pakai pacifier.. which is a good moment yg dia hisap..tapi sekejap je..dan dan habis tangkap gambo..terus dia luahkan kuar

Dia tgh tgk muka mama dia..

wah wah..tgkla dia posing..tgh mulut dia yg tak tahan tu...hehe

Airiel buat posing mulut lagik

Muka lapau nak susu

More pics when I have the time..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The day you said 'I Love You'

Hi love,

You might not remember but exactly on the 14.4.2004..that was the first time you looked into my eyes and told me 'I LOVE YOU'.

I remember looking at you with a blank expression while you said it, and you looked away..I am not sure out of embarrassment or because you were hurt by my silence.

That was 5 years ago today.

Never would I have thought that I will be here 5 years later, remembering that moment holding our precious Airiel in my arms..

I'm sorry I did not say anything to you at that moment 5 years ago. But let me tell you this ,just so you know.

At that point, I did love you..yes I did, deeper than I thought possible. Sorry I took 5 years to tell you.

To many more years of those words and those feelings..cheers love.

Boy, time flies..

Pic taken by mum

Yours truly,