Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Calm in Chaos

"It's a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all beautiful..." ~ Hiromu Arakawa

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Almighty.

Hello readers. A reader was asking for updates in so far my activities are concerned.

Well, I have been busy. How does one recover from adversity? My advice? Keep yourself busy. Sadness will invade you, but only intermittently.

So what am I up to these days?

Nenda has retired and so the family has been supporting her in her Tempoyak Masak business. Follow the team and its journey on the FB page and IG. She has so many projects in store when it comes to food and traditional recipes which she hopes to share. I find it just so inspiring to see her so spirited at such an age!

Apart from that, I am also heavily involved in the family's NGO. AraCare. Follow us on FB and IG to find out what we are trying to do to help and make a change, no matter how small!

AraCare is now running its Kurban project. Come and support us and book a portion!

Cute la poster ni alahai hahaha.

Call the number for inquiries and booking.

So that is basically what I am up to these days. There is so much activity and it's chaos around the house but I would not have it any other way!

Much love from Airiel and I.

Peace and love to everyone.

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