Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Aku Maafkan Kamu

My current fave song:-

Aku Maafkan Kamu

Ada teratak di hujung kampung
Bawah cermin kopak ada kotak
Tersembunyi dalamnya ada tempurung
Sembunyi bawahnya katak melalak

Atur sepuluh daktil batal yang batil
Detik dua usul ditutup satu lagi tampil
Dari halaman rusuk kiri satu susuk ganjil
Minta diisolasi dari dalil busuk jahil
Aspirasi tak serasi dengan suara bunyi
Inkarserasi dari penghuni dan keluarga bumi
Surat wasiatnya atas paksi dalam rumi
Minta dikebumikan hidup-hidup dalam guni
Mana cepat terbang atau warna gelang tangan
Buah fikiran aneh tergantung di persimpangan
Halusinasi susuli ketandusan ihsan
Ubat parut auditori kesan artileri insan
Gagal dikesan

Aku maafkan kamu
Tak perlu kita bertemu
Cukup kau tahu
Yang aku
Maafkan kamu
Tolong teruskan hidup
Jangan sebut namaku

Timbul tenggelam, timbul tenggelam
Acapkali terpendam, acapkali tersergam
Cermin muka kopak penuh bintik hitam silam
Ini bukan lagu rindu ini madah dendam
Ku ditimbang tanpa neraca di awal usia
Ku dihukum masuk neraka oleh manusia
Minta tunjuk lubang atau pintu tak dapat jawapan jitu
Jadi aku tak berganjak biarkan saja begitu
Maafkan mereka, mereka tidak tahu
Mereka tidak ramas buku, mereka segan ilmu
Mereka tidak fasih malah fasik guna kata
Kita kongsi nama bangsa tapi tidak kasta bahasa
Maafkan mereka, mereka tiada nilai
Ibu bapa lalai dari kecil dah diabai
Tanpa kasih sayang, mereka suka menyakiti
Kita kongsi warna mata tapi tidak warna hati
Atas kepala murai sekawan
Baling ku ramit kucup lehernya
Terlalu rahi dendam di angan
Sampai terkacip mulut mahirnya

Aku maafkan kamu
Tak perlu kita bertemu
Cukup kau tahu
Yang aku
Maafkan kamu
Tolong teruskan hidup
Jangan sebut namaku

Jangan ahli sihir seru nama maharaja
Nanti segerombolan hantu bisu yang menjelma
Guna hak berfikir sebelum hak untuk bersuara
Kalau terpelajar sila guna hak miranda
Pura-pura dengar, telan tapi tidak hadam
Hafaz bila lafaz tapi mereka tidak faham
Mereka mula kiri, aku kanan bila baca
Sudah mahir rumi, mari tafsir alif ba ta

Ada teratak di hujung kampung
Bawah cermin kopak ada kotak
Tersembunyi dalamnya ada tempurung
Sembunyi bawahnya katak melalak
Ada teratak di hujung kampung
Bawah cermin kopak ada kotak
Tersembunyi dalamnya ada tempurung
Sembunyi bawahnya katak melalak

Aku maafkan kamu
Tak perlu kita bertemu
Cukup kau tahu
Yang aku
Maafkan kamu
Tolong teruskan hidup
Jangan sebut namaku

Ada teratak di hujung kampung
Bawah cermin kopak ada kotak
Tersembunyi dalamnya ada tempurung
Sembunyi bawahnya katak melalak
Ternyata kamu lebih suci dari apa yang kubayangkan

Sesuai gitu!!!!

Meatworks, Citta Mall - Part 2

Yummy yum yum, thats all I have to say:-

Our drinks

Sauteed mushrooms as a starter

Humongous portion of ribs...


Aries having a romantic conversation with SIRI... a gift from wifey :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend 2012 - Part 1

Airiel wanted to go for  boat ride, so off to Shah Alam we went.

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


"Mereka mengikut ajaran sihir yang dibacakan oleh puak-puak syaitan dalam masa pemerintahan Nabi Sulaiman, pada hal Nabi Sulaiman tidak mengamalkan sihir yang menyebabkan kekufuran itu, akan tetapi puak-puak syaitan itulah yang kafir (dengan amalan sihirnya), kerana merekalah yang mengajar manusia ilmu sihir dan apa sahaja yang diturunkan kepada dua malaikat; harut dan marut, di negeri Babil (Babylon), sedang mereka berdua tidak mengajar seorang pun melainkan setelah mereka menasihatinya dengan berkata "Sesungguhnya kami ini hanyalah cubaan (untuk menguji imanmu), oleh itu janganlah engkau menjadi kafir (dengan mempelajarinya)". Dalam pada itu, ada juga orang-orang mempelajari daripada mereka berdua; ilmu sihir yang boleh menceraikan antara seorang suami, padahal mereka tidak akan dapat sama sekali memberi mudarat (atau membahayakan) dengan sihir itu seorang pun melainkan dengan izin Allah. Dan sebenarnya mereka mempelajari perkara yang hanya membahayakan mereka dan tidak memberi manfaat kepada mereka. Dan demi sesungguhnya mereka (kaum Yahudi itu) telah pun mengetahui bahawa sesiapa yang memilih ilmu sihir itu tidaklah lagi mendapat bahagian yang baik di akhirat. Demi sesungguhnya amatlah buruk apa yang mereka pilih untuk diri mereka, kalaulah mereka mengetahui."

                                                     [Al-Baqarah ayat 102]

As my readers would all know, I have been sick for more than a month now. Atok was also sick during the early part of the year.

Both of us have been to the hospital, ubat pun dah ambil. But while the medication helped a little bit with the symptoms, there were no signs of recovering at all.

At times like this, we turn to alternative medication. Imagine our horror when we discovered globs of soil and sand (the types of soil that you would usually find in a graveyard) neatly arranged all around our house.

The witchcraft on my father was so severe that he had to go through SEVEN (7) days of mandi limau. Mine and the rest of the family members were just one day of mandi limau. Can you imagine how bad it was for him?

Imagine my horror when during the alternative medication session, a cold metal knife touching my skin actually left burn marks. Imagine my horror when the 'whatever' the ustaz took from inside my body and stuffed inside a plastic bottle, the bottle started to roll and shake on the floor on its own. Takde angin ok.

Alhamdullillah, my cough has 90% literally dissipated overnight.

I am not into in this kind of stuff but heck, there are some things that you just cannot explain logically and our family has gone through this time and time again. Remember the blood coming out of the floor of our house episode sometime ago?

I wish I knew who did this to us. And no, not because I want to be vindictive or because I am angry or what. It is because I know that people like this, there is nothing they fear more other than EXPOSURE. Being known for perlakuan keji mereka. There is nothing they fear more than being discovered. And I do not want them to do this to anybody else.

I know a few people out there who practices witchcraft as a way of life. Like if there is anything they want or do not want or do not like, mesti nak pergi jumpa b^$%*. Demam pergi jumpa b$%^&, rasa gemuk pergi jumpa b^%$%, masak tak sedap pergi jumpa b$%^&, not doing well at work or school pergi jumpa b%)(h. Nak husband/isteri sayang pergi jumpa b#%^^. Nak pikat awek/lelaki pergi jumpa &^^%@. Memang I know them personally. Aduh, kenal org mcmni memang meremang bulu roma.

You nak jahanamkan diri you sendiri sbb percaya ada benda yang lebih hebat dari kuasa Tuhan, you go ahead la kan, but why nak dengkikan orang? Kegilaan apa yang sanggup mendorong orang pergi ambil tanah kubur susun dekat rumah org lain?

What shade of black is the colour of your heart sampai you boleh pergi jumpa &^%# and cakap, saya nak org ni sakit sampai mati (in the case of my father)  or saya nak org ni sakit sampai dia tak boleh kerja (in my case la kan).

Bukankah kuasa yang paling hebat dimiliki oleh Allah yang Maha Esa? Do these people not fear balasan dari Yang Maha Esa?

Semoga Allah swt membalas dengan balasan yang setimpal terhadap sesiapa yang bertanggungjawab. Biarlah dia merasa pula kesakitan yang dia telah lakukan terhadap kami dan sesiapa saja yang telah dianayai olehnya selama ini. Amin. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Because it should be shared

A chronological timeline of documentation of violence on the Palestinian by you tahulah siapa kan?

Please read this link 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kohinoor, Solaris Dutamas

I must say, this is one of the hidden gems of Solaris Dutamas indeed. I have been to this restaurant which serves authentic North Indian cuisine at least 3 times and have never been disappointed with the food. My colleague NIN and I are ardent fans of this place.

While waiting for our mains...we were given complimentary munchies. The pakoras are not the soggy types that you would find in most mamak shops, these are crunchy and full of flavour. We were also served some fresh poppadoms with a cool mint dip and a sweet sauce. Heaven!!

This is our vege order. Mushroom. I honestly forgot the name of the dish... but wow, it was so full of flavour

 The chicken order of the day, sucker of a customer I am, I can't remember the name of the dish!! but it was slowly spicy with pronounced flavours that burst with every bite!!

My rice and our lamb order! lamb kebabs!! There are at least 10 varieties of lamb kebab dishes alone. The meat was red from the ingredients it was marinated in. Honestly every bite was just pure unadulterated food porn for me. Yummy till the very last bite.

The website for Kohinoor can be found here

I hope you will enjoy the food as I did once you dine here!! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Airiel's Playschool

Just some updates on Airiel. He started playschool last week.

I dare say he looks like he is having fun! He cries everytime I drop him off and it just breaks my heart. But then his teacher sends me these photos and my heart just melts and I feel a little bit jealous even. I can't be there to see all this. Sigh

He'll turn 3 this march!

Ohh, no matter how many other things burn and burn me. This is the one thing that keeps me going.

My Airiel...my son...my soul

Monday, January 16, 2012

Back at Work

After a week hiatus of being sick sick and so sick...I am back at work. It feels good to be up and running although full recovery is 2 or even 3 weeks away.

Airiel is in playschool now... and apart from the first few minutes of separation anxiety where he cries, as soon as I leave he is ok.

Piles of work await.. so updates later yeah?

Enjoy your week ahead people!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Down with the sickness

Like I have said in my previous posts, I have been super sick. I still am at the moment...

Its funny how when you're sick, your mind tends to wander to things past, present and sometimes dreams for the future. While drifting in and out of consciousness due to my medication, i vaguely remember Aries' tears falling on my cheeks and whispering to me in my sleep word I cannot make out or remember, that he was stroking my forehead and hair...did I imagine that? I don't know... i honestly don't remember.

I remember shivering with a fever so high on Sunday and vaguely remember Aries holding my hand and kissing my forehead before he left for JB. Was that truly real? Such a blur it was.

I vaguely remember Airiel, my soul coming in and out of my room to check on me. I remember him kissing my forehead everytime he would visit me and he would 'I love you' before he left. How in my drowsiness from medication, I would still tear up and cry. And despite my best efforts, Airiel and Aries have gotten my bug and Airiel was taken to the clinic today.

How Bonda got the best medication for me, and how in the course of treating me, she caught my bug and ended up sick as well.

How Nenda cooked the best home made rice porridge in the world, put it in a bowl and took it upstairs for me to eat because I couldn't keep any food down and my joints and ribs ached so much that I couldn't go down and get it myself.

How Atuk, in his usual fashion got me some air doa for me to drink so that I would get better.

My dreams are equally weird, I dreamt of being at moyang's house stroking her forehead as she slept  with her loyal maid by her side.  I dreamt of being in my white kancil where Aries first proposed to me 2 weeks after we met. I dreamt of seeing Airiel after the doctors took him out of my tummy and showed me his little, tiny feet...

How in my pain and suffering, I have become closer to Allah.

My word, I am LOVED.

How this sickness have opened my eyes to that..

There is indeed no greater joy in life than the knowledge that you are loved.

I hope to get better soon. Please pray for us in the family who are sick. Amin

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dah Sampai!!!

Beg yg menggoncang keimananku tahun lepas telah sampai!!!

I bought the bag from Sapphire Ministore.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Playing Sims 3 on My Mac

To reward myself for all the hard work I did last year, I bought myself the complete set of Sims 3 (original ok?). It cost me a bomb, but what the heck... I sure as hell deserved it hehehe.

And you thought that spending so much money on the damn thing was hard? Trust me, it was even harder to install on the mac. The CDs bought can be used to install the game on both normal pc and mac.

Ok, let me list down the sims 3 packs I bought, in the order is has to be installed. Installing it in a particular order ensure that the game runs smoothly, although I have seen some people just going crazy with the installation and not having a problem at all, so I suppose it just depends on your luck.

Ok, back to my list:-

  1. Sims 3 Deluxe (this include the basegame and Ambitions);
  2. World Adventures Expansion Pack;
  3. High End Loft Stuff Pack;
  4. Ambitions (which comes with the basegame deluxe version I bought);
  5. Fast Lane Stuff Pack;
  6. Late Night Expansion Pack;
  7. Outdoor Living Stuff Pack;
  8. Generations Expansion Pack; and
  9. Town Life Stuff Pack.
Ok, so I know that Sims 3 came out with the Pets Expansion Pack recently, but I'm not big on taking care of virtual pets and according to The Sims Resource ("TSR") my fave website for anything and everything sims, it can screw with your custom content, so I didn't buy it.

Anyways, after installing all the above in order, I couldn't start the game. After twiddling with the system a bit, I realised the Ambitions Expansion Pack was messing with my game. So I uninstalled everything and reinstalled everything else in order except Ambitions and voila, the game could start!!!. Wee hee..!!!  Now don't forget to install the patches in between installs, no worries as it is automated, they would ask you whether you wanted to download an update.

Now, here comes the tricky part which is the custom content, I downloaded like a ton of custom content and of course, all of it disappeared. Downloading a majority of my custom content of TSR, i only deal with Sims3pack content and generally don't bother downloading other formats i.e. packages etc.

Solution? Well, I had to reinstall all the custom content again. To make sure it shows up in the EA downloader, I opened up a Downloads folder in the Sims 3 folder after re-installing it and yehaaa, it works!

I am still in the midst of re-installing all my Sims3pack, tedious but makes the gameplay a hell of a lot more fun!!

And you guys thought I'd buy a bag!! Hahahaha, erkkkk actually I did that too...but that's for another post.

I promise I'd write posts about the food in Krabi, but have not gotten around to doing it yet. I promise I'll do it! Promise!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The last day of the Gregorian calender

Well, technically it is not the end of the year for us muslims. So that explains why there were no celebrations on our end. I did what I wish I could do everyday.... I spent time with those who matter most. Pictures speak where words seem to fail me..

I am back at work with the worst sore throat and cough I have had in years. I am croaking at the moment. Sigh. Here is to the beginning of the working year!!

Enjoy yourselves!