Saturday, October 25, 2014


"Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting..." ~ Haruki Murakami

Hello readers,

It's been a while. I have been really busy.

I am excited to share with you guys my newest find. I usually scout Zalora for clothes. But I found recently that it has an awesome collection of watches.

I have never been much of a watch person but I was just blown away by the collection on the website. I mean won't you guys agree that watches will never go out of style as the time telling instrument serves as one of a woman’s important fashion accessory? Not only does it tell us the time but it also acts as a form of bracelet on our wrist. Like a bracelet but only better because it helps us tell time as well. Ngee...

I am just thinking on how I can accessorise and was scouting for ideas. There are many watch designs sold in the market out there, but I realise that gold watches are perfect for us ladies to perk up our style. Hehe *wink*

I was scouting around on the net for ideas and sort of think that there are 3 different types of look which us girls can get creative with. 

1st Look 

The first way we can wear a gold watch perfectly is by pairing it with a nice pretty blouse and pants. This look will definitely be suitable for the career women like us to flaunt at the office. Don't you think it screams professional and mature? I definitely want to try this.

This is just soo sexy...

2nd Look

Okay, I have to admit I have never tried wearing a jumpsuit. Height issues = self conscious. But I think the next look that we can try to pull together with a gold watch is by matching it with a nice jumpsuit. I have seen people wearing jumpsuits for all occasions, and by that I mean on a day out, during the weekend or even to a dinner party without ever looking out of place. For those who can pull it off, and as the jumpsuit is pretty as it is, I don't think we have to over accessorize it with tons of jewelleries kan? So lets just perk it up with a nice exclusive gold watch, the jumpsuit will definitely look stunning on us everywhere we go.  

Hmmn the jumpsuit idea is interesting...

3rd Look

The next way I think we can style a luxury gold watch is by adding some extra glam on our wrist. The best way is to accessorize a gold wrist watch with some dazzling gold bracelets for an elegant appearance or to then spice it up with some bold coloured multi-stacked bangles. 

Can you imagine walking around town showing off the fantastic arm candy and impressing everyone with your amazing fashion sense?  I think this type of look is suitable for us ladies who want to reveal their outgoing fun personality on a night out with friends. Hmmn I should definitely try this. 

Such a great idea!

Guys, I am serious about this.

If you are wondering where to get some fantastic gold watches to suit your personal style, have a look at ZALORA as it offers you an extensive selection of gold watches Malaysia online from various local and international brands.

I am in love.

Updates on my trips and weekies soon I promise.

Peace and love to everyone.

Much love from Airiel and I

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